Simple Past

Use: actions or facts completed in the past. Finished time.

1. VERB-ed or VERB-d
draft drafted
argue argued

2. Some verbs add or change endings:
map mapped
try tried

3. Some verbs are irregular:
drive drove
make made
sleep slept

4. We use did + SUBJECT + VERB for questions:
Did you book a hotel room yet?
Did Mr. Gupta approve the request?

Negative Form: didn't/did not + VERB
No. I didn't book a hotel yet.
She didn't make reservations for Saturday night.  

He drove for three hours to work everyday for thirty years.
(past action)

Although she stopped singing around the age of ten, she is a pop idol now because of her dancing. (She used to sing)

Past Continuous

Use: actions that were happening at a certain time in the past when something else happened.

Form: past BE verb (was, were) + VERB-ing
She was baking a pie when I left this morning.
She was writing the letter while watching the game. (was happening at the same time)
They were driving to the game when the accident happened. (was happening before)

Negative Form: was/were not VERB-ing
I was not wearing pajamas when the police came. I was wearing comfortable clothes.