
Use: We use participle forms of verbs (verb-ed, verb-ing) to express emotions and feelings. These are adjectives not verbs.
Form: The present -ing and past -ed participle forms
I felt
exhausted after that test.
Listening to you is exhaust

The following are some common verbs expressing feelings and emotions and their present and past participle forms.
Verb Present Participle (-ing) Past Participle (-ed)
astonish astonishing performance astonished audience
bore boring performance bored audience
challenge challenging course challenged recruits
comfort comforting words comforted students
compel compelling argument compelled
depress depressing situation depressed brother
devastate devastating loss devastated family
disappoint disappointing result disappointed student
excite exciting news excited students
inspire inspiring speech inspired graduates

The acrobat astonished the crowd. (verb)
astonished crowd cheered. (adjective)
His performance was
astonishing. (adjective)
astonished crowd cheered after his astonishing performance.

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