Form: The
to comes before the infinitive
Example: Everyone wants to go.
to go is acting as the direct object of the verb wants.
Negative Form: Place not before the complete infinitive to make it
negative. Avoid putting not
between to and the infinitive.
Correct: Justin
learned not to text while driving.
Justin learned
to not text
while driving.
afford agree appear arrange ask attempt begin can't afford can't bear can't stand can't wait care chance choose claim |
come consent continue dare decide deserve determine elect endeavor expect fail get grow up guarantee hate |
hesitate hope hurry incline intend learn like long love manage mean need offer pay plan |
prefer prepare pretend profess promise prove refuse request resolve say seek seem shudder start strive |
swear tend threaten turn out venture volunteer want wish would like yearn |
begin can't afford can't bear can't stand can't wait continue |
hate like love prefer start try |