SEE REPORT ? Exercise 4 - Past Tense
Choose the correct past and past participle forms.

1. My uncle has a playhouse for my little sister.
2. He had to read Rodolfo Anaya’s book Bless Me, Ultima.
3. For my little brother’s birthday party, I must have up a hundred balloons.
4. Haven’t you ever juice for snacks?
5. Toni Braxton had the show.
6. Would you have them another chance?
7. Ynes Mexia a balsa raft on one of her botanical expeditions.
8. Every good rider has at least once.
9. Ms. Johnson the discussion about the Langston Hughes poem.
10. Armand dropped his watch and it.
11. Carlos wound up and the ball with all his might.
12. Have you ever octopus or squid?
13. The lecturer had on the same subject before.
14. Even ancient peoples a good understanding of the moon’s phases.
15. They the cattle along the Chisholm Trail.


Rules - Ex.1 - Ex.2 - Ex.3 - Ex.4 - Ex.5 - Ex.6 - Ex.7 - Rules 2 - Ex.8 - Ex.9