SEE REPORT ? Exercise 10 - Articles
Choose a, an, the, or _ (for nothing).
Example: I was surprised to get a present from Josh. He never gives me anything.

            According to 1 National Weather Service, 2 cyclones are 3 areas of circulating winds that rotate counterclockwise in 4 Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in 5 Southern Hemisphere. They are generally accompanied by 6 precipitation and by 7 stormy weather. 8 tornadoes and 9 hurricanes are 10 types of cyclones, as are 11 typhoons, which are 12 storms that occur in 13 western Pacific Ocean.
       14 hurricane is 15 cyclone that forms over 16 tropical oceans and seas and has 17 winds of at least seventy-four miles 18 hour. 19 hurricane rotates in 20 shape of 21 oval or 22 circle. 23 hurricanes can cause 24 great environmental damage. 25 Hurricane Andrew, which hit 26 coasts of Louisiana and southern Florida in August 1992, caused 27 extreme devastation. In terms of 28 environmental damage, 29 Hurricane Andrew is one of 30 most devastating hurricanes ever to hit 31 United States. Fourteen people died because of 32


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